Grom bowl is 4 foot in the shallow, 6 foot deep in deep end. The other bowl is 5 foot deep in
some places, and 8 foot deep in others. The deep bowl is unchanged from the original design. Thanks
to Jim for nice picture.
Meeting report (Dec 11):
The final design as seen here will be submited to Grindline for finalization, and then Carnation will put
the wheels in motion. Steps include getting permits, putting it out for bid, and on and on. They hope to
send it out to bids by early Feb. and have a complete park by May. A completely seperate street section
is being designed by High school kids, and will be built by local concrete contractors. It sounds like it
will be located in a different park completely.
Update Nov. 1:
The park has been totally redesigned, and has an 11 foot deepend, and an oververt clamshell on one
end. Should be fun.

Taken from the Grindline site, a 3D rendition. I can't wait! There's more photos on the Grindline site.