David M. Keeley was kind enough to fill me on some information for this park. He said:
"The dedication will be held Saturday June 2nd at 10:30 a.m. However, the park is already open to the public.
We're also constructing a Spray/Water park across from the skate park. It should be completed by Memorial weekend.
Phase 2 of the skate park will be a street section. Hopefully that will be done by memorial weekend too.
Right now it's just under 4,000 square feet and will be near 6,000 when completed. It's small, but very intense. We have 4 bowls and a cradle. Each bowl transitions deeper with the deepest bowl at 12' deep with 4' of vertical. I was told the cradle is the largest in Washington State. Three bowls have pool coping, the shallowest has steel coping."

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